Folge Uns

Über Uns

Der Four Runners Club ist DIE Underground-Location im Industriegebiet Ludwigsburg-Tammerfeld.
Underground-Ambiente, familiĂ€re AtmosphĂ€re, faire GetrĂ€nkepreise und ein fettes 15KW „TW Audio“ Sound-System – genau das zeichnet den Four Runners Club aus. Und natĂŒrlich die coolsten Events abseits der Mainstream-Schiene – ob elektronisch, alternativ oder klassisch! Der Club verfĂŒgt ĂŒber zwei Floors, wobei der zweite Floor je nach Veranstaltung als Chillout-Lounge oder Party-Floor dient.

Homepage created by Emmanuel Pursuit


Datum 7. February 2025
Duration: 2 Days
Event: open


⏰ 07:30 PM – 04:00 AM
✅ Entry from age 16 (with „PersonenfĂŒrsorgeformular„)
🎧 Floor 1: Best of Metal & Rock | Floor 2: Chill Out Area (Small-Talk and Beer Pong Tables)
📍 Four Runners Club | Heckenwiesen 14 – 71634 Ludwigsburg

★ METAL EMPIRE is your new Rock & Metal Party in Ludwigsburg. We play all kind of guitar music like heavy metal, metalcore, punk rock, ndh, party rock, medieval, death metal, black metal, melodic metal, hard rock and more.

★ Live Edition: GOLDMANN & MODUS BLACK are playing live before the club night. Entry is at 19:30. Concerts start at 20:00. Metal Empire Club Night starts at 22:00.

★ BIG Chillout Area on Floor 2 with small talk areas, beer pong tables and a cozy vibe for you and your friends or to meet new people.

★ Tickets at the door: Only 15€ (includes concerts + party) / less for party only

★ Specials: reduced entry fee from 22:00 until 23:00

★ Individuals under 18 (minimum 16) can join us with a completed „PersonenfĂŒrsorgeformular“ form and even enjoy free entry!

★ Digital payment available at the beverage bars
★ Free parking available around the club 
★ Easily accessible from Asperg train station (S5) (Directions)